Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia (VVFF) is excited to share, in conjunction with our sister advocacy initiative The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles, VVFF will be Teaming up with the Award-Winning Film Production Company, BrainDagger Films to create a short documentary to amplify the voices of Veterans living with Invisible Medical Conditions, such as PTSD/Mental Illness, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Gulf War Illness (GWI), Invisible Chronic Illnesses etc.
Co-Founded by Retired Navy Veteran Moe Taylor, BrainDagger Films creates documentaries around the world, many of which have received several laurels and awards, giving audiences an inside look, on a variety of topics impacting our world. With that said, VVFF is honored to collaborate with BrainDagger Films in order to amplify Veteran Voices! More info to come!
Make sure to check out BrainDagger Films Facebook Page, YouTube Channel and Website. Links below! Please show some love and *like* and *follow* BrainDagger Films Facebook Page and subscribe to their YouTube Channel! Thank you in advance for your support! VVFF Team Member, Kristal Kent BrainDagger Films Facebook Page:
BrainDagger Films YouTube channel: BrainDagger Films - YouTube
BrainDagger Films Website: Professional Music & Video Production Costa Rica (