Did you know that Fibromyalgia was documented in medical literature dating back to 1592? 😮 Read On To Learn More...
🔸THE HISTORY OF FIBROMYALGIA🔸 1592 - French physician Guillaume de Baillou introduced the term "rheumatism " to describe musculoskeletal pain that didn't originate from injury. This term included fibromyalgia. Doctors eventually, used the diagnosis “muscular rheumatism" for fibromyalgia. This is the first time Fibromyalgia (Rheumatisms) is documented medical literature. 1815 - Scottish surgeon William Balfour noted nodules or “Tender Points” And these “Tender Points” we’re eventually used to diagnose Fibromyalgia 1800's - A few decades later (1800’s), French doctor Francios Valleix used the term "neuralgia" to describe referred pain of Fibromyalgia from tender points traveling along the nerves 1880 - American Neurologist George William Beard coined the terms “neurasthenia” and “myelasthenia” to describe widespread pain and fatigue of Fibromyalgia 1904 - British Neurologist Sir William Gowers, coined the term “fibrositis” for Fibromyalgia And Fibromyalgia was called “fibrositis” until 1975 1936 - Medical documents state fibrositis was the most common form of severe chronic rheumatism. It also outlined fibrositis accounted for 60% of insurance cases for rheumatic disease in Britain 1949 - A chapter on the condition fibrositis (Fibromyalgia) was included in the medical text book called “Arthritis and Allied Conditions.” It states: “There can no longer be any doubt concerning the existence of such a condition (Fibromyalgia)” 1968 - The first diagnostic medical description of fibrositis (Fibromyalgia) was defined by Researcher Eugene F. Traut 1972 - Researcher Hugh A. Smythe wrote a textbook chapter on fibrositis (Fibromyalgia) that had a far-reaching influence on future studies and led to him being called the "grandfather of modern fibromyalgia." Hugh A. Smythe was the first to describe the widespread symptoms of Fibromyalgia, thus distinguishing it from myfascial pain syndrome
1976 - While researchers made good progress in describing Fibromyalgia, they still hadn't uncovered evidence of inflammation. Therefore the name “fibrositis” was renamed as Fibromyalgia: "fibro" meaning connective tissues, "my" meaning muscle, and "algia" meaning pain
1981 - A study led by Muhammed Yunus, confirmed widespread pain, fatigue and poor sleep were significantly more common in people with fibromyalgia those without Fibromyalgia; the number of tender points of Fibromyalgia was significantly greater; and that multiple other symptoms were significantly more common as well.
1984 – First study published linking higher fibromyalgia prevalence in those with rheumatoid arthritis
1985 – First controlled study of juvenile fibromyalgia was published
1990 – American College of Rheumatology establishes official diagnostic criteria for Fibromyalgia consisting of widespread pain and tenderness in at least 11 of 18 specific tender points, thus standardizing research inclusion criteria around the world
1991 – Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire developed for doctors to evaluate function
1992 – Discovery of low growth-hormone levels found in people with Fibromyalgia
1993 – Studies demonstrate central sensitization and HPA axis abnormalities in Fibromyalgia
1994 – Confirmation of elevated substance P (pain messenger) in cerebrospinal fluid in Fibromyalgia
1994 - (statistical research results duplicated again in 1998 and 2009) It has been identified between 1-2% of children and adolescents have Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: “Fibromyalgia in children and adolescents: a clinical manifestations and diagnosis” Buskila D, Press J et al. published 1994, Research Source: “Prevalence of Fibromyalgia in Children: A clinical Study Mexican Children” Clark P, Burgos-Vargas R, et al. published 1998/2009). 1995 – First U.S. prevalence study shows fibromyalgia in 2% of the world’s population 1995 – First SPECT (brain imaging) showing abnormal blood-flow patterns in the brain in those with Fibromyalgia
1999 – First study demonstrating genetic component to explain why Fibromyalgia runs in families 2000 – Review of evidence in Fibromyalgia coins the term "central sensitization syndromes" 2005 – American Pain Society releases first guidelines for treating fibromyalgia pain 2007 – Lyrica (pregabalin) becomes first FDA-approved treatment in the U.S. (Cymbalta (duloxetine) and Savella (milnacipran) followed, in 2008 and 2009, respectively
2009 - ( Statistical Research Duplicated in 2019 as well) Statistical Research Indicates 25%-30% of People Living with Lupus Also Have Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: Hospital For Special Surgery, Education - Orthopedics. Lisa R. Sammaritano, MD, September 28th 2009. Research Source: John Hopkins University of Medicine and John Hopkins Lupus Center. Medical Patient Case Reviews. George Stojan, MD, November 2019) 2010 – American College of Rheumatology releases diagnostic criteria for Fibromyalgia using the questionnaires, WPI And SS Diagnostic Assessments for diagnosing and assessing the severity of Fibromyalgia
2012 - The United States Social Security Administration determines Fibromyalgia is a life long chronic illness. Further, Fibromyalgia becomes federally protected under the Americans With Disabilities Act and Fibromyalgia meets the Criteria for FMLA or Family Medical Leave Act 2012 - The first diagnostic blood test for Fibromyalgia, called “FM/a,” is developed by Epigentics. The FM/a Blood test passes clinical trials and in 2013 obtains FDA approval in the United States. By 2021, the FM/a Blood Test is covered in part, or in full, by many Health Insurance Plans, including Medicaid and Medicare HMO's.
2013 - Researchers at Harvard affiliate General Massachusetts Hospital conducted research which found people with Fibromyalgia experience damage to nerve fibers in the skin and evidence of a disease called small – fiber polyneuropathy in those with Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: “Small Nerve Damage in Fibromyalgia. Massachusetts General Hospital – Anne Louise Outlander, M.D. PHD. et al. Medical Journal “Pain” August 2013.)
2014 - Research shows Fibromyalgia afflicts 3% - 5% of the world’s population (Source: “Fibromyalgia - A Clinical Review” by Dr. Daniel J. Claw, April 16, 2014), and upwards of 14 million people in the United States live with Fibromyalgia. 2015 - October 1st 2015, Fibromyalgia was reclassified as a Central Nervous System Condition, with the designated diagnostic billing medical code ICD-10-CM CODE M79.7 2016 - Researchers found small optical nerve damage in the eyes of those with Fibromyalgia, a significant decrease of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) and greater optic thinning in those with Severe Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: “Fibromyalgia is Correlated with Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning. Elena Garcia-Martin et al. September 2016.)
2016 – American College of Rheumatology updates their diagnostic criteria for Fibromyalgia using the questionnaires, WPI And SS Diagnostic Assessments for diagnosing and assessing the severity of Fibromyalgia, streamlining is to make it more user friendly for medical professionals and patients.
2017 - Ongoing research and statistical patient surveys found approximately 40% of Fibromyalgia sufferers are men. (Research Source: “Fibromyalgia diagnosis and biased assessment: Sex, prevalence and bias” Wolfe et al. published September 13th, 2018. (Research Source: “Understanding the Impact of Fibromyalgia on Men: Findings From a Nationwide Survey” Heidari, Afshari, & Moosazadeh, published 2017).
In 2018, a second diagnostic blood test for Fibromyalgia, called “IsolateFibromyalgia,” is developed by iQuity Labs and is FDA approved in the United States. Unfortunately, despite FDA approval and promise, iQuity Labs decided to pull their "IsolateFibromyalgia" blood test and changed direction to do research on Autoimmune Disorders.
In 2018 combined efforts of research teams at the (Boston) Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)-based Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging in the United States and Karolinska Institutet near Stockholm, Sweden have resulted in a new study showing widespread neuro-inflammation in the brains of fibromyalgia patients. Utilizing MR/PET scans both Research Teams were able to document neuroinflammation — specifically activation of glial cells — in the brains of patients with Fibromyalgia.
This Historical Medical Outline Written By Kristal Kent Founder of Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia And The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles All Rights Reserved ©TFPC2018 ©VVFF2018