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Self-Care Chronic Pain Packages: Giving Back For The Holidays...


Updated: May 20, 2022

For the 2021/2022 holiday season, Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia (VVFF) and The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles (TFPC) teamed up to provide Self-Care Chronic Pain Care Packages, to support Veterans and non-Veterans living with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome and other Chronic Pain Conditions. From November 15th, 2021 - February 15th 2022, VVFF and TFPC shipped/distributed Self-Care Chronic Pain Packages to individuals living with Chronic Pain.

Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia and The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles received product donations from several holistic health stores and product donations from Topricin and Topricin Fibro Cream to include in the Self-Care Chronic Pain Care packages. As a result, VVFF and TFPC were able to send/distribute a little over 300+ Self-Care Chronic Pain Packages to individuals in EVERY SINGLE STATE in the United States and Puerto Rico!!! 150 Self-Care Chronic Pain Packages were distributed/shipped to Veterans and 150 were distributed/shipped to Non-Veterans living with Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain Syndrome. This massive under taking was done, in part, with the support of HealtheVoices, Topricin and Topricin Fibro Cream, generous product and shipping donors, and volunteers who helped hand deliver Self Care Chronic Pain Packages! VVFF and TFPC are truly grateful for the community support to help positively impact so many individuals living with Chronic Pain!

Recipients of the Self-Care Chronic Pain Care packages were Veterans, First Responders and Non-Veterans living with Fibromyalgia and/or Chronic Pain Syndrome. In addition, VVFF and TFPC sent Self-Care Chronic Pain Packages to Veterans with Fibromyalgia living in Rural Areas, Military Personnel living with Chronic Pain conditions on Active Duty, individuals recovering from Surgery, individuals recovering from COVID and individuals battling Cancer.

VVFF and TFPC sends a special shout out to VVFF Team Members Alexe Graser, Erich Pfleaidermahnn and Kristal Kent who helped distribute Self-Care Chronic Pain Packages in Ohio to our community! A BIG THANK YOU to the Support Fibromyalgia Network, Fibromyalgia Advocate - John Splain, the American Legion Parma, Ohio Post #572, and Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia Team Leaders in Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Texas and Ohio for helping identify those in need, living with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Syndrome, in order to send Self-Care Chronic Pain Packages too. Last but certainly not least, a HUGE SHOUT OUT and MUCH GRATITUDE to ALL the individuals who sponsored the shipping costs for the Self-Care Chronic Packages! Without all of the community support on this initiative, Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia and The Fibromyalgia Pain Chronicles would not have been able to positively impact so many individuals this Holiday Season! When we come together and collaborate, we create a bigger impact, promote support and increase morale within our community! Together, we make a difference!

UPDATED: 05/20/2022

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