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Purpose Through Pain: The Brian Tally Story


Updated: Nov 14, 2021

Many of you may not have heard of Marine Veteran, Brian Tally, and his mission to protect Veterans VA Due Process and Health Care Rights. Brian has been a huge supporter of VVFF and has collaborated with Kristal Kent, VVFF Founder, on several awareness and advocacy projects. Kristal and Brian crossed paths on Social Media when Brian Tally's story came up on her radar. After learning all the detail of Brian's Story, Kristal knew she had to support Brian Tally's Mission. While this blog will briefly review Brian Tally's Journey, you will be provided links to interviews with Brian and his book.

To quickly surmise, Brian Tally fell victim to gross medical negligence by the hands of a VA Contracted Medical Professional at a Veteran Affairs Healthcare Emergency Department. This medical negligence led to Brian developing serious illnesses, chronic pain, interference and damage to his body organs, the deterioration of his spine due to a severe bacteria infection, and Brian almost lost his life. Brian and his family attempted several times to bring justice for what occurred only to be deceived and misled by the Veteran Affairs Healthcare System. Despite numerous attempts on Brian's part to hold this contracted VA Medical Provider accountable, he was continuously stone walled by the VA. Thus, Brian was left no actionable recourse. Instead of giving up, Brian Tally decided to take on the VA, bringing legislation forth, to over turn a 74 year VA Policy loophole. Brian spent several years walking the halls of congress, speaking with senators and mobilizing the Veteran community to effectively bring about change to protect Veteran's due process healthcare rights at the VA. Brian's steadfast determination brought forth a historical legislative bill aka "The Tally Bill" into fruition and "The Tally Bill" was signed into law on January 5th 2021.

Brian Tally's journey is a good reminder that while the most dire circumstances are unjustly put upon us, there can still be a way to forge our own journey and pain, into purpose.

To learn more about Brian's story watch his interview below, hosted by VVFF Team Member Kristal Kent, in collaboration with the Support Fibro Network ( and Looms For Lupus! ( )

Brian Tally's Video Interview:

To support Brian Tally and learn even more about his story, you can obtain your own copy of Brian Tally's book at Amazon! Brian Tally's book is available for Kindle, Soft Cover and Hard Cover! VISIT AMAZON AT:

Want to keep up with all the happenings of Brian Tally? Then make sure to follow Brian Tally on Facebook at Rally Around Tally

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