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Debunking Fibromyalgia Myths With Medical Research And Stats


· It has been identified between 1-2% of children and adolescents have Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: “Fibromyalgia in children and adolescents: a clinical manifestations and diagnosis” Buskila D, Press J et al. published 1994, Research Source: “Prevalence of Fibromyalgia in Children: A clinical Study Mexican Children” Clark P, Burgos-Vargas R, et al. published 1998/2009).

· Statistical Research Indicates 25%-30% of People Living with Lupus Also Have Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: Hospital For Special Surgery, Education - Orthopedics. Lisa R. Sammaritano, MD, September 28th 2009. Research Source: John Hopkins University of Medicine and John Hopkins Lupus Center. Medical Patient Case Reviews. George Stojan, MD, November 2019)

· In addition, in 2010 the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) did away with the Fibromyalgia “Tender Point Test” and brought forth new diagnostic criteria, introducing the Widespread Pain and Symptom Severity Index (WPI/SS) as the standard for diagnosing and assessing severity of an Individuals Fibromyalgia. Further, in 2016 the ACR updated and streamlined the Fibromyalgia WPI/SS Diagnostic Assessment so it was more "user friendly" for both medical providers and patients,

· In 2012, the Social Security Administration deemed Fibromyalgia as a lifelong chronic condition which meets the criteria for disability benefits.

· In 2013 a blood test came available called FM/a Blood test by Epigenetics. This blood test to detect and diagnose Fibromyalgia successfully passed clinical trials in the United States and received FDA Approval. Since its’ introduction in the United States, the FM/a Blood Test has also been made available in several other countries including Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Central and South America, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and many parts throughout Europe. Further, the FM/a Blood Test is covered by several health insurance plans including Medicaid and Medicare HMO’s.

· In 2013 Researchers at Harvard affiliate General Massachusetts Hospital conducted research which found people with Fibromyalgia experience damage to nerve fibers in the skin and evidence of a disease called small – fiber polyneuropathy in those with Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: “Small Nerve Damage in Fibromyalgia. Massachusetts General Hospital – Anne Louise Outlander, M.D. PHD. et al. Medical Journal “Pain” August 2013.)

· In 2014 Research shows Fibromyalgia afflicts 3% - 5% of the world’s population (Source: “Fibromyalgia - A Clinical Review” by Dr. Daniel J. Claw, April 16, 2014), and upwards of 14 million people in the United States live with Fibromyalgia.

· Effective October of 2015, Fibromyalgia was reclassified as a Central Nervous System Condition, with the designated diagnostic billing medical code ICD-10-CM CODE M79.7

· In 2016, researchers found small optical nerve damage in the eyes of those with Fibromyalgia, a significant decrease of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer (RNFL) and greater optic thinning in those with Severe Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: “Fibromyalgia is Correlated with Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thinning. Elena Garcia-Martin et al. September 2016.)

· Additionally, Fibromyalgia is often cited as being prevalent amongst women. However, ongoing research and statistical patient surveys found approximately 40% of Fibromyalgia sufferers are men. (Research Source: “Fibromyalgia diagnosis and biased assessment: Sex, prevalence and bias” Wolfe et al. published September 13th, 2018. (Research Source: “Understanding the Impact of Fibromyalgia on Men: Findings From a Nationwide Survey” Heidari, Afshari, & Moosazadeh, published 2017).

· Moreover, we are seeing an uptick, via self-reporting, of Military Veterans being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia as well. Unfortunately, the DOD nor VA has initiated any research to determine the incident rates of Fibromyalgia among military personnel and veterans.

· In 2018, Combined research from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden and Massachusetts General Hospital found Neuro-Inflammation in the Glial Cells of the brain in those with Fibromyalgia. (Research Source: “Fibromyalgia: Glial Activation and Neuro-Inflammation. Medical Journal: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Marco Loggia, PHD, Eva Kosek M.D., PHD, et al. September 2018.)

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