The History of Armed Forces Day
August 31st, 1949, (Then) Defense Secretary Louis Johnson created Armed Forces Day to replace the separate Army, Navy and Air Force Days of recognition. This act of combining the separate military branches recognition days came to fruition when the armed forces were unified under the Department of Defense (DOD).
On February 27th, 1950, President Truman put forth a proclamation officially recognizing Armed Forces Day. From President Trumans speech he praised: "the work of the military services at home and across the seas." and "It is vital to the security of the nation and to the establishment of a desirable peace."
President Truman further declared: "Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 20, 1950, marks the first combined demonstration by America's defense team of its progress, under the National Security Act, toward the goal of readiness for any eventuality. It is the first parade of preparedness by the unified forces of our land, sea, and air defense."
To our MIlitary Service Members currently serving, we are humbled and thankful for your dedication and sacrifice! Your act of valor to serve our nation, keeps us all protected and safe. For that we gratefully recognize and honor your Selfless Service! Happy Armed Forces Day to our Nation's Armed Forces Heroes!
