Th month of November is Men's Health Awareness month, also known as "No Shave November," or "Movember." While Veteran Voices For Fibromyalgia typically advocates on behalf of the Veteran and Fibromyalgia Communities, VVFF would be remiss if we did not amplify the voices of Men, living with other medical conditions as well.... Here are some interviews done with both Veteran and Non-Veteran Male Warriors who are promoting awareness, supporting research and amplifying the voices of men in the Men's Health Advocacy Space:
Justin Birckbichler, founder of "A Ballsy Sense of Tumor."
Justin is a Men's Health Advocate whose advocacy efforts focus on Testicular Cancer Advocacy, Men's Mental Health Advocacy and Men's Preventative Healthcare Advocacy. VVFF Team Member, Kristal Kent, connected with Justin to discuss his journey with testicular cancer and how Justin parlayed his health journey into an Advocacy Platform for Men. Click the video below to view the full interview with Justin Birckbichler:
You can find more information on Testicular Cancer, Men's Health and Wellness and resources on Justin's website at: A Ballsy Sense of Tumor | Cracking the Nut on Testicular Cancer Awareness and Men's Health Through Humor
Military Life, Fibromyalgia and Men's Health Awareness with Marine Veteran, Francisco Martinez Jr. VVFF Team Member, Kristal Kent, sits down with Men's Health, Fibromyalgia and Veteran advocate, Francisco Martinez Jr., to discuss the unique needs of military and veteran men living with Fibromyalgia. Click the video below to view the full interview with Marine Veteran, Francisco Martinez Jr.
Men's Health Awareness and Lupus Advocates Emmitt Henderson III and Dion Langley, founders of the Lupus Dream Team. In this interview, VVFF Team Member, Kristal Kent, teams up with Lupus, Men's Health, and Mental Health Advocates Emmitt Henderson III and Dion Langley, to discuss Men's Health, living with Lupus and their healthcare needs. Click the video below to view the full interview with Emmitt and Dion:
Men's Health Awareness with John Splain: VVFF Team Member, Kristal Kent, connects with Men's Health and Fibromyalgia advocate, John Splain, to discuss the needs of men living with Fibromyalgia, along with the importance of promoting Men's Health initiatives, and understanding Men's healthcare needs. Click the video below to view the full interview with John Splain: